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Ils sont assez grand

 Hier est arrivé un nouvel ordinateur pour la maison, un beelink avec une carte Gfx, 16 GB de Ram et 1/2 T de disque. J'ai installé Fedora+KDE dessus rendu les enfants sudoers pour qu'ils puissent apprendre à utiliser un ordinateur.  Le précédente machine à enfant était sous windows, j'avais eu la flemme d'installer nunux, et donc je me tappais régulièrement les maj. Là pas de soucis, je peux me connecter via ssh et faire l'admin de la machine. Les firmware ne sont pas disponible sur le LVFS, j'ai donc fait une demande au support. Ils ont déjà installé plein de jeu et son autonome - prochaine étape , leur faire faire de la programmation.
Recent posts aka theveniceproject

Back in 2006 after visiting Fosdem and seeing Alexander Fritze demoing Zap (a voiceover ip phone using Mozilla technology developed by 8x8). I tried to make it work on Mac OS X which was at the time my OS of choice (it was way less in use by developers than it is today). I was affected by personal issues, so didn't really do anything about that until the end of June of that year. Finally, on a Friday night, I managed to add the proper ld flag to have audio in and posted something on the zap mailing list.       I got an answer from the project manager at 8x8 giving me FTP write access, so I could upload my build. I don't remember if I send a patch too. Furthermore, I got another interesting email from Alex telling me he had forgotten to tell me something at FOSDEM , but could not really tell me more. To which I replied, give me a NDA and I'll sign it. Two hours later, I had an NDA to sign, that was very vague. The next day, a Sunday, I was having a very noisy conversation o

looking for Forum software

 So I've been thinking about running a forum for some miniatures games I like, because most of the interaction is on meta's Facebook. So I've been shopping around, my requirements are quite simple : - PostgreSQL as the backend - something available using a browser on a phone based on the places I interact "often" in the open source world, I decided to see how discourse would be. Unfortunately, a docker distribution mechanism isn't for me, as I don't intend to run a support docker platform as the OS for this project. And that's all what's offered on Discource website. I tried my luck at following this old blog post about running discourse docker less . Again out of luck, this turned out to not work because one of the gems won't build (said gem requires pyhton2). And so I gave up. Went back to looking at forum software comparison, only finding stuff hosted on one such platform provider. Have not decided yet if I want to continue or just drop the

Giving NomadBSD a spin

 Today I got a nice USB key, that does both USB-A and USB-C connectivity. So I followed the instructions on the download page . Tried to download from the London based mirror, but that led to a 404. Looked at the contact page and got all pumped up because they are present on, just a `join` away. Unfortunately, the channel is empty, but *registered*. So my options are either mailing list or forum. I went for the thing that works email. Email sent. I downloaded from anothe mirror and dded the image to the usb stick.  Rebooted and chose boot from usdb to get the following screen: And here you go for a second email on the mailing list. I think I might try booting in bios, not uefi mode, but would like to see if people on the project are active. Edit: Mirror issue is fixed and affected New York as well. I tried to boot on another machine and got similar results. Switching to legacy boot didn't work either.

Using vagrant with libvirt on fedora 40

  sudo dnf install @virtualization then follow the guide from Fedoramagazine at sudo systemctl enable --now virtnetworkd add your user to the libvirt group  install the sshfs package see reboot  

Billet pour la mongolie ....

 Donc hier après trois semaines d'attente et une montée significative de prix. J'ai enfin pu après quelques essais acheter les billets via Turkish airlines.  J'ai commencé pas mal m'y prendre. En effet, j'ai posé mes vacances de manière arbitraire, sans me soucier du fait qu'il n'y a pas forcément de vol le jour en question. Ergo, quand mes dates de vacances ont été approuvées, j'ai vu un gros delta en termes de prix entre ma date de départ et le jour précédent. Je me retourne vers mon management pour demander un jour supplémentaire. Je ne l'aurais pas, mais on décale mes trois semaines d'un jour. Une fois la chose approuvée, je me dépêche d'aller sur le site de TK, que je visite en mode privée depuis deux semaines.  Je choisis les dates, les vols et je remplie le questionnaire passager. Je clique su payer et là : pages blanches, avec un message en anglais indiquant qu'ils n'ont pas accès aux vols (j'ai oublié de faire la capture