Hier est arrivé un nouvel ordinateur pour la maison, un beelink avec une carte Gfx, 16 GB de Ram et 1/2 T de disque. J'ai installé Fedora+KDE dessus rendu les enfants sudoers pour qu'ils puissent apprendre à utiliser un ordinateur. Le précédente machine à enfant était sous windows, j'avais eu la flemme d'installer nunux, et donc je me tappais régulièrement les maj. Là pas de soucis, je peux me connecter via ssh et faire l'admin de la machine. Les firmware ne sont pas disponible sur le LVFS, j'ai donc fait une demande au support. Ils ont déjà installé plein de jeu et son autonome - prochaine étape , leur faire faire de la programmation.
Back in 2006 after visiting Fosdem and seeing Alexander Fritze demoing Zap (a voiceover ip phone using Mozilla technology developed by 8x8). I tried to make it work on Mac OS X which was at the time my OS of choice (it was way less in use by developers than it is today). I was affected by personal issues, so didn't really do anything about that until the end of June of that year. Finally, on a Friday night, I managed to add the proper ld flag to have audio in and posted something on the zap mailing list. I got an answer from the project manager at 8x8 giving me FTP write access, so I could upload my build. I don't remember if I send a patch too. Furthermore, I got another interesting email from Alex telling me he had forgotten to tell me something at FOSDEM , but could not really tell me more. To which I replied, give me a NDA and I'll sign it. Two hours later, I had an NDA to sign, that was very vague. The next day, a Sunday, I was having a very noisy conversation o