I started my professional carrier writing shell script to install Some closed source software on Unix machines running different shells, utilities etc ... (Say hello to HP-UX, AIX, SunOS, Solaris, Tru64).
I run Fedora 35 as my desktop work machine, reasons are because at mozilla we used RHEL and CentOS and I thought it would be a nice idea to contribute to the core OS used on our system by running Fedora.
So when I've received my new work laptop (eg 3.4 Kg is not a laptop anymore, but can't complain it's 17"), I installed Fedora and made sure that vagrant would work on it.
My first requirement was some protection software from work. Fedora is not supported, but the installer worked as did the binaries, yeah.
The second requirement from work is a VPN, whose installer is distributed for FreeBSD 11, Ubuntu 18 and 20 and via a tarball. The Documentation says it won't work on Fedora. I was curious and didn't want to install ubuntu 'just' for a VPN. So I fired a vagrant VM to see what the installed would do.
The script is a list of sudo commands :
sudo blah
sudo blih
systemctl DDD
and then the grand finale :
echo "Installed client..Installing dependencies"
if [ -n "command -v apt-get" ]; then
echo "Debian based"
Which doesn't check for the return value of command :( Of course that script is not available for me to add proper checks into it. I ended up installing a VM with ubuntu.