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Fosdem 2024 day two

 I started the day by attending Bogo's talk about think that matter to your inner self. Things that make you happy, things that make you smile. For the first talk in Jansen on a Sunday, it was quite attended - bogo lost 5€ because of that. Plenty of nice music too - which was good for waking up.

Next on my list was one in the webperf devroom. Unfortunately, it was too crowded, and many people were lining up, so I decided to skip. I moved my ass to building K. Supported the Fosdem by gifting myself with a hoody :).

I then ran the KSP (Key signing party). I'm glad 13 people showed up. The party was quick and was probably the smallest KSP happening during a fosdem. I'm really happy that people showed up.

Picture of people forming a circle in front
of K building @ ULB to do a KSP

Next was Florian's talk. If there's a talk you want to watch after this FOSDEM edition this is the one, it explains how Mozilla tooled Firefox and the Firefox profiler in order to reduce the energy consumption in Firefox. Really nice demos, very interesting content to any user who complains that Ff is slow, use the profiler and submit a bug instead of complaining.

Then I went for lunch.

After lunch I ended up in the ligthning room and listen a very intesreting explanation for the move from pentabarf to pretalx for managing devrooms and track, by the fosdem team

After that I went on and helped clean up building H, so ULB could use it Monday. We started clening up at around 17, and were mostly finished by 19. This is way faster then sstting things up. Thanks again for all the other volunteers doing this every year.


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